Sunday, September 25, 2011

Remembering Grandmother's Sugar Cookies

 I found this ole vintage picture and it brought back memories of my sweet Grandmother.   I remember seeing her  at her old kitchen  table.,  she would sift the flour  in the bowl, and add the baking powder and soda.. and all the other igrediants.  She did it with  such ease..  And  while us kids waited anxiously , for her to roll that dough and then use cookie cutters, that looked just like these, she made those wonderful sugar cookies.   The house would fill with the most amazing aroma. And oh how  hard it was , to  wait  until they came out of the oven..  Yummy!!!


  1. Gosh they look amazing! I really admire those natural cooks that just add ingredients and make it look so easy! x x x

  2. Me too Charolette. And my Grandmother was definitely one of them.. I was amazed when I saw this picture.. It looked just like the items she used. It took me back , alot of years ago.. Life was simple then, No one had much, but we were all very happy.
    My prayer and wish, is that my grandkids will grow up, and have memories of our home and things we do together.

  3. Sugar cookies are an integral part of my Christmas memories as a child. Those and white cookies. I need to do that more with my kids. Even if most of us can't eat them due to food sensitivities!

  4. I love the vintage picture, I could just walk into that moment! So lovely!
